Sprint Ceremonies in LeSS

1 minute read

Sprint Planning 1

In the beginning of the sprint, the first sprint planning 1 take place. It is a short meeting with team representatives and product owner to decide what the teams are going to work on the sprint. It is also a time to find out if there will be multiple teams who need to collaborate during the sprint.

Sprint Planning 2

This session is usually longer and a lot of technical and more detailed discussions take place.

It is common for two teams to work on similar related features or work on different features that affect the same components. In that case, it can be useful to have a Multi-team Sprint Planning Two meeting. This is done by having the teams meet in the same physical location with each team conducting its own Sprint Planning Two. That way the teams can:

  • have a shared design session,
  • ask questions of one another at any time,
  • coordinate shared work,
  • find other opportunities to work together and learn from each other (e.g. cross-team pair programming).


  • Items are features.
  • Each task (subtask) has the maximum of 1 day.
  • Tasks are created during the sprint planning.

LeSS Sprint Review

At the end of sprint, all the teams present what has been done during the sprint. The main objective of the review is not to show what each team has done. It is to get feedback and focus more on discussion.

Sprint Retrospective

Right after Sprint review, there will be individual group sprint retrospective. The team will reflect what has been done well, what went wrong and what to improve. Add actions and set a few items.

Daily Scrum

The Daily Scrum in LeSS is done per team and is no different than in single-team Scrum.

The Team will spend 15 minutes together, during which each team member answers three questions:

  • What did I do yesterday?
  • What will I work on today?
  • What is in my way?

In case, there might be scout from another team to find out if anything impact might happen if multiple teams are working on the same feature.