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less than 1 minute read

In computer science, Set is an interesting abstract data type that stores unique values. It is a collection that allows only one element of each value.

Infix notation in function

less than 1 minute read

Another Kotlin treasure that I have not known is the ability to write infix notation in function. We use infix notation in most arithmetic operation such as ...

Variable Argument Lists

less than 1 minute read

Do you know what vararg keyword is? Using this vararg, you can define a function that takes any number of argument.

Kotlin testing framework

1 minute read

Alright. Who here think that testing is optional? Even though some doesn’t write tests, I believe no one will openly say so. Oops. it hurts.

If expression in String templates

less than 1 minute read

You can insert a value within a String using String templates. Remember to use a $ before the identifier name:

If expression

less than 1 minute read

One of basic things that gives me a spark in the eye is when I realise in Kotlin that: