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Property Delegation Tools

1 minute read

The standard library contains special property delegation properties. Map is one of the few types in Kotlin library. Each property identifier becomes a Strin...

Property Delegation

2 minute read

In Kotlin, we could connect a property to a delegate with the by keyword:

Operator Overloading

3 minute read

Back in the school while I was learning C++, operator overloading was one of the topics in academic. But in practice, I rarely overload operators. However, i...

Generics in Kotlin

7 minute read

I love template in C++ in the olden day. In many good languages that I had chance to come across, such as TypeScript, Java (it was added later) and Kotlin, t...

Scope function

2 minute read

When I started doing Kotlin, the one that confused me the most was scope functions. However, once I understand what it is, it becomes my most favorite Kotlin...

Extension lambdas

4 minute read

Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand.

Resource Cleanup

less than 1 minute read

Using try, catch and finally blocks for resource cleanup is tedious and error-prone. In fact, Kotlin has a library functions that could help us to manage cle...


less than 1 minute read

What is Nothing in Kotlin? Does it even exist? A Nothing return type indicates a function that never returns. This is usually a function that always throws a...