Coroutine Launch vs Async

3 minute read

If you are new to coroutine or looking for the continuation, you could start from the previous article.

In this article, we will look at launch and async for making network requests.

Network Request using launch

We could use launch for network request in both sequentially and concurrently.

For sequentially,

fun performNetworkRequestsSequentially() {
    uiState.value = UiState.Loading

    viewModelScope.launch {
        try {
            val oreo = mockApi.getAndroid(27) // get oreo first
            val pie = mockApi.getAndroid(28) // then pie
            val a10 = mockApi.getAndroid(29) // then android10

            val result = listOf(oreo, pie, a10)
            uiState.value = UiState.Success(result)
        } catch(exception: Exception) {
            uiState.value = UiState.Error("Failed")

For concurrently,

fun performNetworkRequestsConcurrently() = runBlocking<Unit> {
    launch {
        val result1 = networkCall(1)

    launch {
        val result2 = networkCall(2)

suspend fun networkCall(number: Int): String {
    return "Result $number"

The above code runs the network calls in parallel. However, those results are not accessible outside launch coroutine since the return for launch is a Job.

To access both results, we will need to use join() and a shared mutable state.

fun performNetworkRequestsConcurrently() = runBlocking<Unit> {
    val resultList = mutableListOf<String>()

    val job1 = launch {
        val result1 = networkCall(1)

    val job2 = launch {
        val result2 = networkCall(2)


    print("Result list: $resultList")

suspend fun networkCall(number: Int): String {
    return "Result $number"

Although it works in above code, resultList is a shared mutable state. A general rule in concurrent programming is to avoid shared mutable state whenever possible.

Difference between launch and async

launch returns Job. async{} returns Deferred (Job with Result).

Using async, the same functionality could be achieved without a shared mutable state.

fun performNetworkRequestsConcurrently() = runBlocking<Unit> {
    val deferred1 = async {
        val result1 = networkCall(1)

    val deferred2 = async {
        val result2 = networkCall(2)

    val resultList = listOf(

    print("Result list: $resultList")

suspend fun networkCall(number: Int): String {
    return "Result $number"

We could also add optional parameter to async(start = CoroutineStart.LAZY) and change to deferred1.start() to start lazily.

Let’s try a little different using async to reflect some UI states. We will having Loading as well as Error.

fun performNetworkRequestsConcurrently()
    uiState.value = UiState.Loading

    val oreoDeferred = viewModelScope.async {

    val pieDeferred = viewModelScope.async {

    val a10Deferred = viewModelScope.async {

    viewModelScope.launch {
        try {
            awaitAll(oreoDeferred, pieDeferred, a10Deferred)
            uiState.value = UiState.Success()
        } catch (exception: Exception) {
            uiState.value = UiState.Error("Network Request Failed")

Using awaitAll for all the Deferred objects, we could make our code works. But if we do not know the exact number of network requests?

Sequential unknown network requests

Imagine if we do not know the exact number of network requests and we want to make them run in sequential.

fun performNetworkRequestsSequentially() {
    uiState.value = UiState.Loading

    viewModelScope.launch {
        try {
            // this Api could return any number of android versions
            val recentVersions = mockApi.getRecentAndroidVersions()
            val recentFeatures = { androidVersion -> 
            uiState.value = UiState.Success(recentFeatures)
        } catch(exception: Exception) {
            uiState.value = UiState.Error("Failed")

Concurrent unknown network requests

What about concurrent style if we do not know the exact number of network requests?

fun performNetworkRequestsConcurrently()
    uiState.value = UiState.Loading
    viewModelScope.launch {
        try {
            val recentVersions = mockApi.getRecentAndroidVersions()
            val versionFeatures = { androidVersion ->
                async {
            uiState.value = UiState.Success(versionFeatures)
        } catch (exception: Exception) {
            uiState.value = UiState.Error("Failed")


Making network requests are often the usecase for coroutine and we look into it using launch and async. We also demonstrates sequential and concurrent request handling, highlighting the differences between the two approaches.

While launch will return Job, the use of async to obtain Deferred with wrapped results, simplifying result access.

We also explores handling both known and unknown sequential and concurrent network requests, emphasizing the flexibility and efficiency of coroutines in managing such scenarios. We hope this article provides a valuable understanding of how coroutines can effectively handle diverse network request scenarios.

Next, we will look into some useful higher-order functions from coroutine.