Generics in Kotlin

7 minute read

I love template in C++ in the olden day. In many good languages that I had chance to come across, such as TypeScript, Java (it was added later) and Kotlin, they too also have the Generic code. Generic code works with types that are “specified later”.

Base object (OOP) approach

Ordinary classes and functions work with specific types (eg. String, Int, MyCustomClass). If I want the same code to work across more types, the rigidity (inflexibility) could be overwhelming. From Object Oriented Programming (OOP) concept, we might recall Polymorphism to solve this. The idea is that we could write a function that will take base class object as a parameter. We could call the function with an object of any class that is derived from that base class. Now, our function is more general, and could be used in more places.

The downside of it that this might lead to very limiting because we must inherit from that single hierarchy.

What about an interface instead of an object?

Let us consider what if our function takes an interface instead of base object? It could loosen the single hierarchy limitation. Anything that implement the interface is able to replace the function parameter. Using interface, we could cut across class hierarchy.

However, sometimes, even an interface is too restrictive because it forces us to work only with that interface. The good news is that we could make our code even more general if it works with any type that is yet to be specified. This unspecified type is a generic type parameter.

Wait, how about Any?

Oh ya. We have Any data type. It is the root of the Kotlin class hierarchy and every Kotlin class has Any as a superclass (remember Base object approach). So we could make our function to take Any as argument type and it could work. If Any works for you and it is simpler solution, use it.

Simplicity is what we aim for in software development.


The question that most of us ask ourselves is “when should we use generic”. Duplicated code is a good candidate for conversion into a generic function or type. The way to make generic is by using <> and a placeholder like T to represent unknown type.

fun <T> giveMeBack(arg: T): T {
  return arg

giveMeBack(1) // 1
giveMeBack("echo") // echo

Preserve Type Info

Code within generic class and functions can’t know the type of T - this is called *erasure. Generics can be thought of a way to preserve type information for the return value. Let’s take an example.

class Toy {
  override fun toString() = "Toy"

class ToyBox(private var toy: Toy) {
  fun put(aToy: Toy) { toy = aToy }
  fun get(): Toy = toy

In the above code, when we call get() of ToyBox, the result comes back as type Toy. And we think this box could be used not only for Toy, but also any other thing. Could we make Box more generic?

class Book {
  override fun toString() = "Book"

open class Box<T>(private var obj: T) {
  fun put(aObj: T) { obj = aObj }
  fun get(): T = obj

val toy: Toy = Box(Toy()).get()
val book: Book = Box(Book()).get()

Box<T> is to ensure that we could only put() a T type only and when we call get() on that Box, the result comes back as type T.

Generic extension function

Let’s do some advanced stuff. We could make map() for Box by defining a generic extension function.

fun <T,R> Box<T>.map(f:(T) -> R): List<R> {
  return listOf(f(get()))

val bookX = Box(Book()).map { it.toString() + "X" } //[bookX]

Type Eraser

In Java, generics are not part of the original language - they were added later. Forcing generics into Java without breaking the existing code required a crucial compromise: the generic types are only available during compilation but are not preserved at runtime. Hence the types are erased.

val strings = listOf("a", "b", "c")
val anyType: List<Any> = listOf("a", 3, 1.5)

fun useList(list: List<Any>) {
  if (list is List<String>) { // <- uncomment this and you will see an error
    // do something

Since the type information has been erased at runtime, If we uncomment the check, we will see an error - “Cannot check for instance of erased type: List". If the eraser didn't happen, the list might look like this:

a b c String
a 3 1.5 Any

Because generic types are erased, type information is not stored in the List. Instead both strings and anyType are just List, with no additional type information.

a b c
a 3 1.5

Why Kotlin chose to erase type

There could be possibly two reasons.

  1. Java compatibility
  2. Overhead - storing generic type info significantly increases the memory occupied by a generic List or Map. For example, a standard Map consists of many Map.Entry objects, and Map.Entry is a generic class. Thus, if generics were reified everywhere by default, each key and value of every Map.Entry would contain additional type info.

What if we want to retain type information

To retain type information for function arguments, add the reified keyword.

fun <T: Any> a(kClass: KClass<T>) {
  // do something with kClass

fun <T: Any> b() = a(T::class)

When the function b() call the the function a(), it won’t compile because the type information T is erased when this code runs and T::class is not recognized. In Java, we could solve it by passing type information into the function by hand (very inelegant):

fun <T: Any> c(kClass: KClass<T>) = a(kClass)

class K

val kc = c(K::class)

Even though c() could invoke the function a(), it seems redundant to pass explicit type information (KClass<T>). In elegant way, we expect the complier knows the type T and could silently pass it for us. Kotlin offers us with reified. The only catch is that the function must be inline.

inline fun <reified T: Any> d() = a(T:class)

The function d() produces the same result as c(), but d() doesn’t require the class reference as an argument.

What else could reified do? It allows the use of is with a generic parameter type.

inline fun <reified T> check(t: Any) = t is T

check<String>("1") //true
check<Int>("1") //false

Variance in or out

Combining generics and inheritance is possible and the result produces two dimensions of change. Let’s say we have a Box<T> and want to assign it to Box<U> where T and U have an inheritance relationship. In this case, we must place the constraints in or out variance annotations, depending on the usage.

class Box<T>(private var obj: T) {
  fun put(aObj: T) { obj = aObj }
  fun get(): T = obj

class BoxIn<in T>(private var obj: T) {
  fun put(aObj: T) { obj = aObj }

class BoxOut<out T>(private var obj: T) {
  fun get(): T = obj

BoxIn uses in constraint to strictly indicate the intention and only allows the T as input into the class. Likewise, out constraint will only the T to go out, but not allowed to come in. Then what do we want that?

open class Fruit
class Apple : Fruit()
class Orange : Fruit()

Both Apple and Orange are subtypes of Fruit. But is there any relation between Apple and Orange? A Box of Apple should be able to assign to Box of Fruit or Box of Any(because Any is the supertype in Kotlin). But we do not want Box of Orange to be put into Box of Apple, violating the pureness of Apple in the Box. Worse if we allow Box of Any into Box of Apple, there is no type safety at all.

So we want to prevent the use of put() such that no one can put a Orange into an BoxOut<Apple>.

val boxAppleOut: BoxOut<Apple> = BoxOut(Apple())
val boxFruitOut: BoxOut<Fruit> = boxAppleOut
val boxAnyOut: BoxOut<Any> = boxFruitOut

With no put() allowed in out constraint, we could ensure that no one will intentionally or accidentally put wrong type. Therefore, it preserves the pureness of the type. In this example above,

  • Box<T> is invariant.
  • BoxOut<out T> is covariant.
  • BoxIn<in T> is contravariant.


The generic topic is usually a bit confusing to most people especially you are totally new to template language. But it can make code really elegant and easy to work with once you understand how it works. You could avoid a lot of duplications with the help from generic. To understand more, you could also read the Kotlin Generic.