How I should work remote/hybrid more effectively

4 minute read


Recent statistics from many sources are indicating that a majority of employees desire (and also expect) some kind of remote/hybrid work arrangement after the post-covid era.

Whether you support it or against it, the reality is that we will have to work with people who could not be sitting in the same office room with us and hence it is important that we need to know how to work more effectively with our team mates and clients (if applicable) remotely across the different locations and timezones.

1. Embrace Remote First Culture

Back when I was working in a consultant firm before the pandemic, I had an opportunity to work with a client who was in another country. We brought all stakeholders into a conference room whenever we need to have a regular call with the client to clarify our backlog user stories.

We put a microphone in the middle of the room and put one of our teammate screen onto the projector. Each of us takes turn to talk to microphone while surrounding it. And yes, you guess it right. It was a terrible experience. Not only the communication is unclear to everyone, but also put some of us disengaged in the conversation.

Tip 1: Everyone join from own device.

Conduct all meetings online unless everyone in the team is in the same room. Sometimes, we may be tempted to host the meeting in a room with most/some of the team mates while others will join from remotely. No, not a good idea. We all may want to sit in the same room.

Each of us join the meeting as individual from our devices. It appears to everyone that we are all on the same level of communication. The communication is much clear and also fairer to everyone in the team, be it remote or in office.

Tip 2: Turn on Video Cam, please!

Have you tried doing a sharing or presentation to a screen? I once have done doing about 30 minutes of sharing to a group of 20+ people. In the beginning, with some chit chats, it was fine. Then it comes silence. You get a little panicked when things are silent. So you try to talk continuously to break the silence, you get tired very soon. You pause it, ask if anyone has question. You get silence again. You start to doubt that the topic doesn’t interest people and you start to feel it is just a waste of everyone time. And you know when you are talking to a digital wall for 30 minutes, it will drain your energy and dishearten you.

From that experience onwards, I know I need to turn on the video cam even if I am not talking. Listening attentively is a skill and respect that my team mate fully deserved. Visual cues are as good as verbal and gives a lot of signal to the speaker. People will remember you. You will be connected to the team. Be kind and supportive to your team mate.

Tip 3: Involve everyone.

In a physical meeting, many conversation might be happening at same time. In virtual, we have to take our turn to speak so everyone can listen. In a team, we have people who are talking a lot while some by nature or by seniority, may keep silent. It is important to call them out and gives the opportunity to share/speak up. Encourage them to do so that they will feel that they are also part of the team.

2. Over communicate

image-center It is funny that we like to assume other people will think like us. Even in normal days while working inside the same office, when you make a survey on the biggest challenge in the most organizations, communication is always at the top of the list. I have some suggestions:

  1. Keep it simple - over communicate does not mean communicating everything. It means communicating the right things with right amount with clarity. when you write it down, it will help to clear your thoughts. keep it simple and do not bring too much noises.
  2. Regular sync-up - even your team may not have things to discuss today, having a reserved time-slot is always an good opportunity when you need it. Nobody enjoys adhoc meeting or call too often. Set a regular time to catch up with the team. Give the time back is much better than disrupting their work flow.
  3. Share the note - After the lengthy discussion, people tend to forget. Write down the note as you discuss. Read agreed action items before ending the call. Share the notes so that people can recall when they need it.

3. Buddy system


Work could be long, hard and sometimes lonely. You do not have to suffer alone. If your workplace already have the buddy system in place, use it.

Find someone who shares the same context with you. Have a chat and learn to support each other. You will feel belonging and a meaningful friendship that could last for long.

If you want to walk fast, walk alone. But if you want to walk far, walk together.

Ratan Tata

Bonus Tip: Batch meeting.

In remote work environment, it is rare for us to work solo on our own. We have to meet people, it could be 1:1, discussion with your team mates, or your line of management. Do not split the meeting all across the day and time. It is much better that you have full 3 hours block than 3 blocks of 1 hours each. You can accomplish more with batch meeting. Check your calendar again and all you need is to ask the organizer.


