Kotlin generic

2 minute read

Generics Intro

The first time i was introduced to the term Generics was back in C++ STL (Standard Template Library) days. It was an idea to allow type (Int, String, Class, etc) to be a parameter to the class, function or interface. It is to allow programmer to write a general algorithm that will work with any data type by loosing type constraints.

A good example in Kotlin is the collection classes, such as List, Set and Map. These collections are able to hold any other objects regardless of their types.

Kotlin universal type

Before we go into how the generic code looks like, one thing that we should aware is the universal type in Kotlin. The universal type is a type that is the parent of all other types. In Kotlin, it is called Any. As the name implies, Any allows any type of argument. If you have a function that returns a variety of types and they have nothing in common, Any could solve the problem.

Generics Class

To define a generic type, we usually add angle bracket (<>) containing one or more generic placeholders and put this generic specification after the class name.

class GenericHolder<T> (
  private val value : T
) {
  fun getValue(): T = value

val usage1 = GenericHolder(1)
print(usage1.getValue()) // 1

val usage2 = GenericHolder("Hello")
print(usage2.getValue()) //"Hello"

You may now wonder why we are using the generic type <T>. Can’t we use the type Any instead? Well. Let’s see this example below.

class AnyHolder (
  private val value : Any
) {
  fun getValue(): Any = value

class Car {
  fun drive() = "Vrooom"

val usage = AnyHolder(Car())
val maybeCar = usage.getValue()

print(maybeCar.drive()) // won't compile

As you can see, Any does work for simple cases, but as soon as we want to use the underlying function of Car - it doesn’t work because the complier has lost track about a fact that it was a Car when it assigned to Any. Therefore, maybeCar is actually Any data type and not a Car anymore.

If we use the generic on the other hand, it retains the information that, in this example, we still know that it is a Car, which means we can perform the functions on the Car class.

Generic Function

So far, we looked at Generic class. In function, there is not much different from the class. We specify a generic type parameter in an angle brackets before the function name:

fun <T> something<arg: T>: T = arg

On top of function, the generic can also be used in generic extension functions for collections. For example,

fun <T> List<T>.first(): T {
  if (isEmpty()) throw NoSuchElementException("Empty List")
  return this[0]

As you can see first() extension function for List, it can work with any kind of List. To return T, they must be generic function.


One of the most compelling initial motivations for generics is to create collection classes, which you have seen in the List example. The Any works for simple cases, but lost some information during casting. Therefore, generic type are a better choice for programmer when writing classes or functions with maximum expressiveness by loosing type constraints.


