Property Delegation Tools

1 minute read

The standard library contains special property delegation properties. Map is one of the few types in Kotlin library. Each property identifier becomes a String key for the map, and the property’s type is captured in the associated value:

class Student(map: MutableMap<String, Any?>) {
  var name: String by map
  var age: Int by map
  var id: String by map

val aStudent = mutableMapOf<String, Any?>(
  "name" to "Jeep",
  "age" to 23,
  "id" to "X231322"

Property Setter vs Delegate Observable

We might remember using set to set a new value to the var.

var name: String
  set(value) {
    print("name: $value")
    field = value

var age: Int
  set(value) {
    print("age: $value")
    field = age

While property setter works fine, Delegates, on the other hand, allows for accessing to the property and its old value.

class Student {
  var log = ""
  var surname: String by observable("x") { prop, old, new ->
    log += "${}: $old -> $new"

val student = Student()
student.surname = "Lee"
print(student.log) // surname: x -> Lee

observable takes two arguments:

  1. initialValue, “x” in this case
  2. a function to invoke when there is onChange event occurs.

delegate vetoable

it is very similar to observable in delegate, but it can veto the modification of the value of property. For example, we might have some rule that the student surname must be more than one character for some reasons.

fun surnameLengthCheck(
  property: KProperty<*>,
  old: String,
  new: String
) = return new.length > 1

class Student {
  var surname: String by Delegates.vetoable("Lee", ::surnameLengthCheck)

val student = Student()
student.surname = "Tan"
student.surname = "x"

print(student.surname) //Tan and x is rejected because it fails surnameLengthCheck

delegate notNull

The last function in delegate is nonNull. It returns on property delegate for read/write with a non-null value. It is initialized not during the object construction time, but later time. It tries to read the property before the initial value has been assigned.


As we can see delegates function in the kotlin standard library could be used to guard or trace about the setting of new value. notNull, observable and vetoable could be used to customize for setting or tracing new value.